Saturday, October 1, 2011

And so we began...

On July 26, 2003 Gabe and Karen said "I do." We were young, in love and naive about life. We had Paolo Gabriel Esparza on August 18, 2006. Our life changed forever! Then came Julian Amaro Esparza on September 15, 2008. We were still (semi) young, in love and a little less naive! :) On October 16, 2010 our world changed (again) forever when we heard "your son (Julian) has cancer." This last year has been a whirlwind of change, adjusting, coping and dealing with one moment at a time. I used Facebook in the past to express my thoughts, emotions (positive or negative) and fears. It was a one stop vent for me. As we approach Julian's one year anniversary of Julian's diagnosis we have reflected on where we once were and how we once lived. A lot of emotions have come up recently but most of all thankfulness. We are thankful for all the kind words, support and unconditional love from friends and family. We are blessed with Julian's will to fight and live so happily while at the same time reminded how quickly it all can change. I wanted to create something that shows our WHOLE family living and loving life. I can see everyday how this last year has changed each one of us. Despite the bad, we have found some good. I don't know why this happened. I only know that it happened for a reason.
My hopes are that my Facebook page will go back to my daily routines and thoughts. No matter how mindless, sarcastic or odd they may seem and that our family will be able to be showed living and loving life as it continues on. Life after cancer if you will. Even though Julian is in maintenance and he still has a few years of chemotherapy treatment ahead of him. The light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter for us and we see our life changing yet again!

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